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Notice about the company's employees conducting a health checkup

In order to protect the health of employees, we are now organizing a 2018 health checkup. The specific arrangements are as follows:
All employees of the company:
In order to protect the health of employees, we are now organizing a 2018 health checkup. The specific arrangements are as follows:
First, the physical examination time
June 22, 2018 (this Friday) at 8:00 am.
Second, the physical examination address
Weinan Courtyard Community Health Service Center.
Third, important tips
(1) On the day of the medical examination, please bring a copy of the ID card, 2 photos, 1 inch photo, and a health check-up form (required in advance) to the second floor department for medical examination;
(2) Forbidden to eat breakfast on the day of the medical examination, do not drink water;
(3) All medical examiners must arrive on time, and they need to go to the designated medical examination center of the company to apply for a health certificate within one week.
(4) A total of four physical examination items: blood draw, physical signs, stool, and chest.
Please return to the company in time after the medical examination, and pay attention to safety on the way.
Hereby notice
Administration department